

Standard Eye Exam

$6000 JMD

This includes a pre-examination touchscreen interview, vision and medical screening and the visual exam by the doctor.


Fundal Imaging

with eye exam $2000 JMD • without eye exam $2500 JMD

During this examination, a photograph is taken of the inside of the eye which can be used to not only track the health of the eye but identify certain health conditions. Recommended annually. Diabetics every six months.


Organizational Screenings

 Dependent on size of organization

Our employee Vision Skills Assessment in the workplace involve conducting screenings which include testing the distant and near vision of your employees; their eye muscle functions as well as their sensitivity to glare. These allow for the design of corrective interventions leading to increased employee comfort, accuracy and workplace efficiency. 


to make an appointment or for more information:

You can call us at (876)416-9269 or (876) 962-9345 anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday or use the form below.